About Us

Wouldn't it be neat if someone made t-shirt pockets shaped like states?
I didn't start out with any intent to create an apparel company. When I moved to Fayetteville, Arkansas, in 2015, I began to develop an appreciation for the shape of my home state after seeing how it was being used in a wide variety of products and company logos. Sometime that year, I noticed that the shape of Arkansas is perfect for a pocket. I've always loved pocket tees, so I thought it'd be neat if someone made a pocket tee in which the pocket was shaped like Arkansas.
At first, I thought someone else had to have thought of this already, but I couldn’t find any shirts for sale like I had in mind. It wasn’t until 2021 that I had any time to try to develop the idea for a pre-existing clothing company. “This should be easy, right? Just sew a different pocket shape onto a pre-made, blank tee!” It wasn’t until I started to learn more about the industry that I realized why no one was making cool, state-shaped pocket tees: you need to make a fully custom garment. So that’s just what Well Stated Clothing does.
"...I realized why no one was making cool, state-shaped pocket tees: you need to make a fully custom garment. So that's just what Well Stated Clothing does."
Everyone should represent their home state in style!
After working on a few prototypes of the Arkansas pocket tee (thanks for sewing, Mom), it wasn't a big leap to imagine pocket tees for other states too. My dream for Well Stated Clothing is to make a pocket tee for each state in the Union. (Be patient, Hawaii, I'm still trying to figure out how that's going to work.)
As a native Arkansan, I'm proud to finally see our cool state shape make its debut into t-shirt pockets. I love my state, and I love our country; and I can't wait to show you the next pocket!
If we haven't released product(s) for your home state yet, why not let us know what states you'd like to see next? Or drop us a line for any other thoughts you have.